We are Global Water Brigades. 6 syllables with a whole lot of meaning.

We work closely with community members to devise a water system that will bring about access to clean water.  With shovels and pick axes we dig trenches to place PVC pipes, which will carry water to each individual home.  This is a holistic approach to solving the health issues in Honduras.  If we can provide more access to clean water, we can alleviate the high rate of parasite infections as well as other waterborne illnesses treated on medical brigades.

Those of you participating in Medical Brigades (GMB) can also be apart of Water Brigades (GWB).  Brigades last one week and Water will take place the week after Medical.

El Agua Es Vida 🙂

If you have any questions please contact:
Danielle Davidson at chapman.gwb@globalbrigades.org

photos from CU’s Water Brigade this past summer. Honduras, June 2010:

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